
Introduction period

Introduction Period at AEGEE-Nijmegen

Interested in AEGEE-Nijmegen? AEGEE-Nijmegen is an informal, cosy, travelling student as

sociation without hazing. Whether you want to have a great time mainly in Nijmegen or travelling all over Europe, it is all possible at AEGEE!

You can decide to become a member right away, but we also have an introduction period, where you can find out about all the possibilities AEGEE offers! Twice a year (in September and in February) we organise a no-obligation introduction period. For €25 you participate in six evenings spread over three weeks in various activities (for example a pub quiz, cantus, games night, etc.). At the end, you not

only know many members of AEGEE-Nijmegen, but you also have a good idea of what AEGEE has to offer! We higly recommend it! The next introduction period will take place on the Mondays and Wednesdays of 18, 20, 25 and 27 September & 2 and 4 October. There will be fun activities organised by our committees on these evenings! Sign up!

In addition, we will have an open drink at the Villa van Schaeck on 13 September from 9PM!

Would you like more information or do you have any further questions? Then please send an email to introductie@aegee-nijmegen.nl!