

Committees & Working Groups

Local Activities Committee (FestiviCie)

The fun, cultural and relaxing activities come from this committee! They ensure that you can relax after a hard day of studying by, for example, a cantus, a pub crawl, a Bob Ross workshop, a skating activity or a cool themed party.

Mail: festivicie@aegee-nijmegen.nl

Exchange Committee (ExchangeCie)

Exchanges are an important part of AEGEE. Due to the large network (13.000 members spread over more than 150 cities in 40 countries), it is possible to make contacts and visit each other in a pleasant and simple way. Usually there will be both an ingoing and outgoing exchange. All this is managed by the Exchange committee.

Mail: exchange@aegee-nijmegen.nl

Member weekend Committee (LeCie)

This committee organizes a members weekend twice a year. The first takes place after the introduction, the second usually takes place in the spring. They look for a location and ensure that a very cool program is put together!

Mail: ledenweekend@aegee-nijmegen.nl

Media Committee (MediCie)

The media committee does all kinds of things that have to do with media. They will mainly be engaged in creating, processing and uploading photos, managing the AEGEE website and creating / editing photo or video files. During most activities, parties and events, the committee will send a photographer to ensure that all memories are recorded.  

Mail: medicie@aegee-nijmegen.nl

Travel Committee (ReisCie)

The trips and hitchhiking competitions of AEGEE-Nijmegen are organized by the members of the travel committee. Exciting destinations are a priority and booking hostels or drawing up an interesting program is no exception for this committee. With many successes such as the lift race to Canterbury or the trip to Gdánsk!

Mail: reis@aegee-nijmegen.nl

European Activities Committee (YOUrope)

This committee organizes activities where you can develop both yourself and your knowledge of the world around you! Think of a language workshop or an activity to promote an AEGEE-Europe event, such as an Aagora simulation. In addition, this committee also collaborates with other associations. For example, they organized a circle birthday (typical Dutch birthday party) together with ESN and a writing evening during Human Right Day in collaboration with Amnesty.

Mail: yourope@aegee-nijmegen.nl

FoodCommissie (FoodCie)

You can contact the food committee for everything related to food. From dinners, cooking workshops to tosti-takeovers, nothing is too crazy. Of course, the culinary delights from all over Europe will come up sometime. Whether it’s tasting new exotic dishes or your favorite dish from your favorite trip. Bon appétit, buen provecho, eet smakelijk!

Mail: foodcie@aegee-nijmegen.nl

Introductie Commissie (IntroCie)

Every six months, AEGEE-Nijmegen organizes a special introduction period to give interested people the opportunity to get acquainted with our local and international association. With formal, informal, local and international activities, the introduction committee gives everyone a warm welcome. A good first step in our large European network!.

Mail: introductie@aegee-nijmegen.nl

Promotion Committee (PromoCie)

AEGEE-Nijmegen would not exist without the members and they would not be a member without our promotion. The PromoCie comes up with fun recruitment campaigns, works on increasing brand awareness. They do all of this to show your student days are not complete without AEGEE.

Mail: promocie@aegee-nijmegen.nl

Advisory bodies

Legal Committee

The legal committee supports the board by adapting the articles of association and the internal regulations according to Dutch law and provides clarification on legal issues upon request. The committee is appointed by the General Members’ Meeting.

Mail: juridisch@aegee-nijmegen.nl

Advisory Board

The Advisory Board advises the sitting board on activities and choices that are made. This role is fulfilled by former board members. They are appointed by the General Members’ Meeting

Mail: raadvanadvies@aegee-nijmegen.nl

Audit committee

The audit committee checks the financial situation of the association twice a year. This will be reported on during the general member’s meeting/gmmalv. In addition, the treasurer can ask for advice in case of doubt or difficult situations. The audit committee is appointed by the General Members’ Meeting.

Mail: kasco@aegee-nijmegen.nl

Application committee

The application committee sends out the vacancy for new board members every year and enters into discussions with interested people. They will then advise the General Members’ Meeting. The application committee is appointed by the General Members’ Meeting.


For a few years now, there has been the opportunity to set up a society at AEGEE-Nijmegen. This is a group of people with a shared interest or theme, who want to propagate this within AEGEE-Nijmegen through a society. Societies can become close groups of friends, who also see each other a lot outside AEGEE-Nijmegen. Societies also organize an activity for the association at least once a year. For more information about societies you can read the regulations under the internal documents or approach the board. We currently have the following societies within AEGEE-Nijmegen.

G.G. De Bosjes

The first recognized society of AEGEE-Nijmegen is the Game Genootschap De Bosjes. This society plays all sorts of games (except board games, we don’t do that). You can contact us via ggdebosjes@gmail.com.